I made a bag from this pattern - I have to say that unless you're experienced making bags (I am) I think the directions might be confusing. Even I wasn't sure that the bag I made is actually what the pattern was supposed to make. But isn't it adorable??? It was the main reason I bought the magazine.
I LOVE this. Mainly because I love how the color of the zipper is an integral part of the design. Love love love this idea.
ReplyDeleteI've also started on a beach bag. Whether I finish it by the end of June in THIS year is another matter, but I've started:
I made a bag from this pattern - I have to say that unless you're experienced making bags (I am) I think the directions might be confusing. Even I wasn't sure that the bag I made is actually what the pattern was supposed to make. But isn't it adorable??? It was the main reason I bought the magazine.
ReplyDeleteHelp...I tried to follow the instructions and have a mess...I love the bag. has anyone rewritten the instructions so they are correct?