Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where are you?

I am having some computer problems, so the current challenge will have to be extended another week or so.

That gives you more of you an opportunity to participate!

I have not, surprisingly, received many entries.
I have gotten several emails stating interest, but not completed projects.
If I do not receive more entries, I will have to discontinue this blog.
I think this is a great site with tons of info, but if people aren't participating in the challenges, I should be focusing my energy elsewhere.


  1. Oh, I hope you don't discontinue the blog. I just discovered it!

  2. Me too! I am finished. I just have to send you the photos!

  3. I haven't been by recently because I have been incredibly ill for several weeks. I am still very interested though.

    One thing I will suggest - having not been back in a couple of weeks, its hard to find the challenge again. I could be missing it completely, but if it were more accessible I bet you'd have more of your visitors taking part. :)


  4. Hi Kristin. The newest challenge is always posted on the top of the sidebar, including the date due and the theme. I'll try to figure out a way to call attention to it.

  5. Okay, I moved the info all the way to the top now, so hopefully it's easier to see :)

  6. I just found you, too. I love seeing all the bags and hope you won't have to discontinue the blog.

  7. Hi Barb, I'm still around. Going to school so my bagmaking time is really limited. About to finish up and have a break before my next class starts so I'll get to work on this project. Hope you don't have to stop this one. BTW, I love the inspiration for this project!
