Project 1 photos, and a new theme! (updated)
The first challenge has been completed, and some inspiring bags have been submitted, to say the least.

Like this entry (this side is actually the back) of a fun collaged bag from Tash at Poppyseeds, that includes text and images from vintage children's books.
My goal here was to entice people to recycle fabrics, to consider unusual sources for fabrics, to think outside the box and challenge themselves, and to inspire one another.
Already, this purse project has accomplished all those things.
Though one photo of each bag would be fair, it's not always possible to stop there.
I posted more than one photo on those bags that had varying details, and several photos if the entrant does not have a website.
PLEASE click on the blog links and learn more about each bag.
One of the reasons to participate in challenges is to publicize ones blog--so take advantage of the opportunity to find new favorite reading sites.
I included a note about where each entrant lives--I think it's fun to see where this brings us around the world.
There are entries from all over the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii), Canada, and all the way from Australia.
I love the internet!
I want to thank Ana for making an amazing bag using traditional Japanese towels, and Janet for submitting not one, not two, but THREE bags for this challenge!
My goal was to get 24 bags for this first project.
There are
Let's see if we can top that quantity next time.
Okay, to a new theme.
We are a couple of weeks away from summer (my apologies to Australia), so it seems fitting that the next challenge be:
make a beach bag!
If you don't live near a beach, that's okay--just make a bag for picnics by the lake, or a hike to the mountains, or whatever is applicable for you.
Just stretch your creative potential.
I have tons of ideas for inspiration that I will be posting between now and the end date, in two months: August 1 (have your photo to me by July 31).
So please keep checking back (or better yet, subscribe with Bloglines to find out when I have a new post up).
Thank you to all who participated--I hope you keep doing so.
The gallery of photos of the tea towel challenge is up on Flickr.
Please email me if I have any incorrect information, or if your photo is not represented.
Click here to view the gallery.